Delpor's Implant Device
By: Kairos Ventures On: March 7, 2017 In: Delpor, Portfolio News

Delpor LogoWe are delighted to announce that our portfolio company Delpor has been issued yet another patent by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. This new patent is for a novel implant device that enables long-term delivery of therapeutic agents to patients. The patent covers Delpor’s PROZOR™ technology which enables the sustained release of antipsychotics and other central nervous system (CNS) molecules from a matchstick-size implant device. Delpor has several products in development, including a 6-month formulation of risperidone, and a 3-month formulation of olanzapine for schizophrenia maintenance treatment.

“The PROZOR technology overcomes the solubility challenges faced by most CNS drugs, and creates the potential for several sustained release long acting therapeutic products, lasting as long as one year. Our lead risperidone program is currently utilizing this unique approach to create a 6-month formulation of the drug which should result in superior clinical outcomes through improved medication adherence.”
– Tassos Nicolaou, President and CEO of Delpor Inc.

Delpor's Implant Device

Delpor’s Implant Device

Numerous therapeutic agents including risperidone, olanzapine, asenapine, and other CNS molecules can benefit from long-term sustained delivery. The benefits of long-term delivery include improved medication adherence, as well as a “smooth” pharmacokinetic profile resulting in enhanced safety and tolerability. Most CNS drugs, as well as other important classes, exhibit poor water solubility at neutral pH, creating challenges to the development of implantable sustained delivery systems which rely on passive diffusion as the primary drug release mechanism. Delpor’s proprietary PROZOR technology enables the release of antipsychotics and other agents for several months through passive diffusion, based on a unique formulation. Furthermore, Delpor’s drug delivery implant device, offers full reversibility if treatment discontinuation is needed due to adverse events.

“The issuance of this patent recognizes the novelty of the underlying technology and marks the beginning of a new family of patents for Delpor, making it a key component of our intellectual property portfolio,” said Tassos Nicolaou, President and CEO of Delpor. “The PROZOR technology overcomes the solubility challenges faced by most CNS drugs, and creates the potential for several sustained release long acting therapeutic products, lasting as long as one year. Our lead risperidone program is currently utilizing this unique approach to create a 6-month formulation of the drug which should result in superior clinical outcomes through improved medication adherence.”

Tassos Nicolaou continued: “If treatment discontinuation is needed due to adverse events, the implant can be easily removed by a healthcare professional, and drug plasma levels drop to zero within a day. Our goal is to further expand the use of this innovative platform for the delivery of other agents including the antipsychotics olanzapine and asenapine”

We want to congratulate the Delpor team on continuing to build on the company’s significant intellectual property.  Well done!

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