By: Kairos Ventures On: August 10, 2017 In: Delpor, Portfolio News

Delpor President & CEO, Tassos Nicolaou, was invited to give a short interview as part of a recently published Healthline article on the importance of implantable drugs. The article discusses addiction treatment and an implant product which was recently approved by the FDA. It then goes on to cover other applications including some of Delpor’s products. You can find Tassos’s comments under “People with Diabetes Stand to Benefit” and under “Mental health Applications.”

I have always said that implants are a bit futuristic, which is both good and bad. It’s good because we are being visionaries, but it is also challenging because there are not many examples of approved products, so pharmaceutical companies are skeptical about the potential benefits and corresponding adoption. However, this challenge is gradually fading as many companies (such as Braeburn and Intarcia) are successfully developing and launching implant products and are putting this sector on the map.

Tassos Nicolaou, President & CEO of Delpor


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